Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth After a Tooth Extraction

Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth after a Tooth Extraction

It is very important to practise excellent dental care after undergoing tooth extraction. It might have been a very quick procedure but it is still surgery and requires proper aftercare. To ensure that you heal as fast as possible without going through unpleasant complications, here are some of the vital things that you should do within the first 48 hours after the procedure.

What to Do

Bite on the Gauze

After the procedure, the dentist will send you home with a piece of gauze in a place where your tooth used to be. Make sure you bite on it with considerable pressure as this is crucial to forming a blood clot that will eventually stop the bleeding.

Take Pain Medication

Some people might not need this but if you want to dull the pain following the surgery, you can take over the counter pain medication, and your dentist should be able to give some recommendations. Let them know if you have any medical conditions that might prevent you from taking certain pain medications.

Use an Ice Pack

It is perfectly normal for your face to be somewhat swollen after an extraction. In order to reduce the swelling, you can apply an ice pack on your cheek right against the part where your tooth was extracted. Use the ice pack for 10 minutes at a time, taking a 5-minute break in between.

Take It Easy

As with any other surgery, you are not to do any heavy lifting for at least 24 hours after the extraction. The rest will do you good, and it will also help in the formation of a blood clot that will speed up the healing of the wound.

Brush Gently

Brushing after a tooth extraction might be a bit of a challenge, but it is necessary. Make sure to avoid direct contact with the extraction site and be extra careful with the area around it. Check with your dentist if it is fine to use toothpaste.

Rinse with a Saltwater Solution

After 12 hours, it is usually safe to start rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution. Just add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. Using this solution to rinse 4 times a day will speed up the healing.

Eat Soft Foods

For the next few days following your extraction, it is best that you eat only soft foods so you don’t have to bite hard. It is also advisable to take plenty of liquids.

What Not to Do

Just as there are things that you should remember to do, there are also a few things that you should avoid doing after an extraction, like smoking, which can cause infections. Likewise, alcohol and carbonated drinks must be avoided at least for the next four days because these can hinder the formation of a blood clot, causing multiple problems.

By all means, you must refrain from disturbing the clot by poking it with your tongue. It might take some getting used to but it is best to let the area heal on its own. If you feel something might be wrong during the recovery stage, don’t hesitate to call your dentist so that they can take a look.

If you have any further enquiries regarding aftercare for tooth extraction, or any other dental concern for that matter, just give us a call here at Marsfield Dental Care and we will give you all the answers you need.

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